
By Shaun - 16/06/2009 02:13 - United States

Today, I rode my bike to work. While biking on the road, I gave a hand signal for turning left. A car passing the opposite way veered towards me and attempted to give me a high five. I now have cuts all over my body and my bike is in two pieces. FML
I agree, your life sucks 88 363
You deserved it 6 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That totally sucks! More bike riders should use hand signals. They don't have turn-signals on their bike like a car does. I vote its an FYL since the moron driving obviously wasn't paying attention in driver's ed.

Prawn_fml 2

Gripes. Hope that moron's paying for that.


ozymandias_fml 0

YDI for biking not only on the street -- but in the traffic portion. At least bike on the edge, out of traffic, and pay attention!

#8 & #12- Not everyone HAS to drive a car ALL the time. It's harder on the environment, uses more resources, and creates more traffic. It's attitude's like yours that are going to make this Earth a barren wasteland before we know it.

3-you have to use handsignals-it's the law 12-just because it's 2009 doesn't mean everybody drives a car-a bike is Eco-friendly and you don't have to pay for gas OP-that sucks!!!!!!

junkinmahcranium 0

#12 - Yeah, it's 2009, and bikes still exist. It's not the OP's fault some idiot didn't know the hand signals, or that some biker would want to high-five a driver.

FYL for hand-signaling. It's not the 1950's anymore, buddy.

#90 (funsize003): You're an idiot. It is ILLEGAL to ride a bike on the sidewalks in many areas, and driver's education (something you wouldn't know shit about) teaches you about watching for and respecting the rights of bikers on the road. I see you're a female, which makes me think you're probably the type of person that would be like that woman that ran into and killed a motorcyclist at a stop light because she was putting makeup on or some such stupidity. It is your responsibility to share the road with all vehicles, no matter how many wheels or how they are powered. #102 (right above me): Wow you're dumb. Go jump off a cliff and do the world a huge favor.

funsize003 0

you are an asshole as well. where I live, there are sidewalks everywhere, and it is perfectly legal to ride on them. so that is the experience I have had, and people ride right in the middle of the road. So for me to have to trail behind a biker who is going slowly in the middle of the lane when there is too much traffic in the opposite direction, is just ridiculous. and yes, I went to drivers ed, and I am probably a better driver than you. and telling people to jump off a cliff is not funny. there is no humor in that, suicide isn't a joke. you're an asshole in every aspect.

210, yes it's annoying and dangerous when bikers ride in the street. However, many cities haven't gotten around to building bike lanes, and it's not any safer to ride on the sidewalks. Does this mean people should just not ride their bikes? I say more power to those who are brave enough to make a healthy and environmentally conscious decision even though it isn't easy. Also, it's silly that a car would swerve to high five a biker instead of staying out of the way. I'm glad the OP is ok.

elfuzzo 0

#210: Shut up and make me a sandwich. I ride in the middle of the lane in slow moving traffic because like hell if I'm going to run around in people's blind spots. Drive off a cliff.

this is horrible and still very funny (sorry)