
By MerryDeathmas - 18/07/2015 04:31 - Canada - Lloydminster

Today, after an argument with my girlfriend, I tried to be dramatic by slamming my car door shut as hard as I could. Something broke and now it won't open. Now I have to climb through the passenger's side just to drive my car to work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 528
You deserved it 30 087

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatonetribute 31

Kind of a bratty thing to do, hon.

This makes me happy. I definitely hit YDI.


What's the point of doing that? So you have a strong arm...who cares

amileah13 26

I don't really feel sorry for you. You had it coming I guess

try focusing that energy into something...say like a hobby. or start some anger management counseling before this develops into something worse in the long run.

That's what happens when you feel like acting like a drama queen.

tiredofwaiting 25

Now there is no need to act like a spoiled child.

Allow me to go find my tiny, tiny violin. I hope you learned something. The only thing a grown-up achieves by throwing a temper tantrum like a toddler is looking like an ass. Well done!

My sisters bf does that all the time when they argue but he likes to slam all the doors in the house, that was until I put silencers on them.

You need to grow up. That was incredibly childish of you.

Your girlfriend jinxed it, ydi btw