
By MerryDeathmas - 18/07/2015 04:31 - Canada - Lloydminster

Today, after an argument with my girlfriend, I tried to be dramatic by slamming my car door shut as hard as I could. Something broke and now it won't open. Now I have to climb through the passenger's side just to drive my car to work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 528
You deserved it 30 087

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatonetribute 31

Kind of a bratty thing to do, hon.

This makes me happy. I definitely hit YDI.


YDI... everyone knows that trying to be dramatic is A. a bratty thing to do and B that it often backfires on the person ..... you got what you deserved.

serves you right. Lol the best way to "get back" at your gf would have been to smile and calm gotten into your car and drive away without saying a word. THAT would have made her madder then what you did! just sayin...

Goblin182 26

I just don't get people that abuse their own belongings because they are pissed off.

Haha aww I bet it looked really cool to her too. Was it worth it?! ?

I really like when people start an FML with something along the lines of "I tried to be" or "I tried to impress". Makes it so easy to click YDI without bothering to read the whole thing :D Seriously though, YDI. I don't understand why anyone would ever get violent with their own belongings, risking to damage it, for an argument with someone else.

jlujan00_fml 9

Wait! Being a melodramatic asshole wasn't the answer?