
By MerryDeathmas - 18/07/2015 04:31 - Canada - Lloydminster

Today, after an argument with my girlfriend, I tried to be dramatic by slamming my car door shut as hard as I could. Something broke and now it won't open. Now I have to climb through the passenger's side just to drive my car to work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 528
You deserved it 30 087

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatonetribute 31

Kind of a bratty thing to do, hon.

This makes me happy. I definitely hit YDI.


ghostriley 14

I tried the same thing in my old s10 and shatterd the window I've never replaced it

I bet that isn't the first time someone has had to crawl over into the front seat of your car isn't it ??

Sounds like something my ex would do. Ha!

while i agree its kinda immature u would be lying if you said u never did anything like this

Why were you trying to be dramatic? Life isn't a movie. Or is it?

ArcheryArtist 20

Oh my gosh that's hilarious, from now on don't slam doors XD

Cayers97 12

At this point i would just slide across the hood and jump in through the window just to be a bad ass

I dramatically hit YDI so hard, something in my phone broke. Now I've got to swing upside down like a bat and yodel badly to make it work...