Run home

By Anonymous - 12/06/2013 14:56 - United States

Today, I ran the mile in gym class. I was the second to last person to finish, and I was left panting and feeling faint. When the teacher found out I hadn't come in dead last, he accused me of skipping a lap and is now making me rerun the entire thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 102
You deserved it 6 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rg350dx 29

The word "no" is appropriate and applicable in this situation.

fuckmylife518 15

O.O What did you do to make him hate you so much??


I always hated how power hungry those athletic burnouts were. All of my gym teachers would order us to run while they sit on their fat asses.

I have NEVER not had a fat PE teacher. From preschool to graduation. Not one.

That's great dear, but sadly your teachers aren't representative of all PE teachers.

Tonasharkman 14

You should tell your teacher he should run a lap cause all he does is sit on his fat ass while he watches all your class run.

I get the feeling he didn't watch carefully or at all. If OP had skipped a lap, that'd be noticeable, right?

countryrose92 23

Not really, with 25 students running it can sometimes be confusing. Coach should make him do it a different day though instead of right after completing a mile so he gets an accurate time and can pay better attention

When we had to run the mile, you were handed a Popsicle stick every time you passed the starting line. When you had four sticks, you were done. Nice and simple.

Forrest! Get his name right or don't say it. Sorry people. This just really bugged me. I loved that movie.

perdix 29

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countryrose92 23

Aww... And I used to like reading your comments. Now I am boycotting you. Don't hate, some people just suck at running. I was very athletic in high school, I held the record for the female category of bench press and squat, I was also in several sports but I was still always last or close to last when running the mile. For some reason I just couldn't breath and ended up having to walk because of breathing issues. Don't be mean

I'm sure Perdix is just as out of shape as the rest of us, don't take it to heart.

perdix 29

#62, tell that to James, whose ass I beat at tennis (singles) in a USTA league match. I sweated more, but I won 7-5, 6-1.

perdix 29

#54, what does that even mean? I'm not selling anything, nor do I have sponsors. If you don't want to read my comments, fine, but some people find them entertaining, so it seems like you are cutting off your nose to spite your face. You'd have a lot more fun if you didn't take my comments so seriously.

And what about someone like me, who has exercise-aggravated asthma? Even if I take medication before running, I still double over coughing, choking and gasping for air as my lungs close up.

thunderniron 22
perdix 29

#73, wouldn't you have a doctor's note to excuse you from partaking in such a hazardous exercise? #78, this dude I played tennis against last night. The first set was close and when he lost, he had a total meltdown like a five-year-old might. The second set was a breeze.

aren't running and tennis two different sports?

Damn everyone is jumping on Perdix's nuts today. You guys need to relax. Goooooosfraba.

perdix 29

#100, and not in the fun way!

Well, PerDIX, people with asthma can't run a mile. You're welcome, asshat.

Stfu. Asthma has been said 500 times already. Schools wont make you run if you're asthmatic. Now go hide in a corner somewhere and cry.

therealafroninga 10

Haha perdix, you got a hate group now. Guys, the OP never said, "I have *insert physical impairment here*". Look guys, some of America could lose a few pounds. It's a fact.

TheDrifter 23

Lately it seems that we have been overrun by the Reddit and 4Chan crowd. Does that mean I'm going to have to start hash tagging my comments and forget everything I've learned in the last decade or two to fit in?

Yes they will. My son was made to run in his PE class without his inhaler readily available quite often. Along with other student with asthma. One to the point of needing to to to the hospital. Parents complained about this practice. School said "Oh the coach (football) knows what he's doing." After the girl was hospitalized, parents sued. School still didn't correct his issues, not until he was arrested for sexual assault on female students. And that was only about five years ago. Maybe you shouldn't make blanket comments when you obviously don't know all.

While that is true, someone with asthma could go into an attack.

You are a jerk. No respect for anyone and no one cares about your stupid Tennis match.

KareBear7364 5

That was probably just the excuse he used to get you to run some more, because apparently you need it.

ShannonBitt 29

just sit on the floor snd refuse to rerun it. once, the whole girls side of my gym class sat on the floor when our teacher told us to run.

ervington 8
BeautyMonster 17

My school doesn't get out until June 26th.

Is it entirely unfathomable that people actually have made generations after yourself?

If he was surprised you weren't last an extra mile wouldn't hurt.