
By dentallycorrect - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while I was casually sitting at a bar, a drunk biker with no teeth leaned over and tried to kiss me. I'm a sailor in the Navy, but I think I screamed like a little girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 679
You deserved it 5 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OMG!!!! Gross!! 'You sure do got a purdy mouth, boy.'

lolwtfwasthat 0


shout out to all the people in the military & loved ones! its hard but stay strong! they are fighting for our country. i love my hubby!

you let the navy down shippers. shoulda just kissed him. not a true matelot! :(

you screamed because only girls go into the navy hahaha jk

bmorelkcmore 0

You must be enlisted... Pussy

when i read this, i pictured the fat guy screaming, from the movie "Accepted". hahah

I don't blame you for screaming! I know I would have.

shepaintsmusic 6
DeathwishCanada 0

whoaaaa tell lance Armstrong to take it easy

JokeMeister 0

Put some bass in your voice and grow some facial hair and stay out of gay bars, Rita!