Shelve your plans

By anon17 - 18/03/2010 13:49 - United States

Today, I discovered that my fiancé had responded to an online missed connection posting. He has been emailing, exchanging pictures and making plans to go out with this girl. We are supposed to be married in the fall and just put down the non-refundable deposit on our reception site. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 682
You deserved it 3 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what an asshole...sorry OP sometimes it's the people who we luv most which hurt in the worst possible way. :-(

I want to call you a ****. ..........But that's just an insult to vaginas.


FYLDeep 25

Your boyfriend is a douche-bag and is thinking with his dipstick.

well that's what u get for not being hotter.

Says the person with no picture to identify their own state of ugliness...

I volunteer!!! Jk! Sorry that happened to you OP, you'll find someone better, don't let that asshole get you down.

This is what they call "rushing in." But hey, just make sure that you get physical copies (prints) of everything and make sure you take that with you when you appear in small claims court.

Nothing said they rushed. My ex and I were together for almost 3 and a half years before we got engaged, and 4 years before I broke it off. I think that sometimes it's the thoughts of the impending wedding that get to them. My ex postponed our engagement photo shoot twice because, "There's no need to hurry and get it done." That was my first inkling that something was wrong. Then, he just started fighting with me over everything. It suddenly became very apparent why he had been engaged twice before, but never married, lol.

adamsk1 0

girl men are pigs. mine dumped me the day before we were supposed to get married. it's good you found out now though.

Not all of us. Truly, yours was, but it's close minded to assume that every guy is the same.

Uh oh. Moneys gone already though. You'll have to marry him anyway.

yea, marry him since u already spent the $. besides, u haven't even earned the $ for the divorce yet. (save up, it'll cost more.)

hutsko 0

Uhm, NEWS FLASH! Maybe they are just reconnecting. Doesnt mean hes gonna leave her for the ex. It happens alot in couples. They see eachother and maybe one person decides to catch up with the other. Doesnt ALWAYS mean someones heart is gonna get broken. Sheesh. Ya'll are so damn pessimistic.

If you look up a couple comments, I explained what a "missed connections ad" is. It's not reconnecting with a friend

hutsko 0

Just because its an EX you cant reconnect and be friends? WTF kind of shit is that!?

hutsko 0

Theres always a possibility it IS someone they USE TO KNOW. People are so damn negative into thinking hes going to cheat. Maybe their 'missed connection' was that of FRIENDSHIP, not something more. So, it still could be an EX GF, or maybe a long lost childhood friend. Dont be so quick to jump to conclusions.

Im not trying to be rude or negative, but a missed connection ad is a specific kind of personal ad. It is designed for strangers to find someone they saw and didn't "connect with." He responded to a personal ad written by a stranger. The whole point of the FML is that he responded to a personal ad and was making plans to meet the girl, even though he's engaged to the OP.

hutsko 0

Does it SAY he was hiding the emails from her? Maybe he was too busy to mention it to her? So, just cause hes engaged he cant meet people and make friends? There are such things as 'friend dates'.

Yeah, hutsko. Sorry, but that is really stretching it. You're never "too busy" to tell your fiancee that you're making plans to meet a person from online. Again, missed connections is not really designed for people looking for "friends." Do me a favor and go on Craigslist and read them. Tell me how many you find that are people looking for friends. Most are looking for love, lust, or sex.

if he wants out, let him out. but make him pay you back for the reception site. write up a contract and make that happen. or keep the site and throw a "thank god i didnt marry a jackass" party. either way, 'lose' your ring so he cant propose to the other girl with it. ^_=

I was going to suggest the same thing. Your friends have work off and you've rented the space... throw a party and be glad you dodged a bullet!

that sucks. this is nothing related to this.... but maybe you could pull inspiration from it?? I knew a guy who found out that his fiance was screwing his "best man" and he hired a PI to get photos of them.. and the PI got some pretty graphic photos.... so, the guy goes along with the wedding (he got the photos after they had already been engaged) and lets her daddy pay for everything and at the reception, he tells everyone to look under their chair and there should be an envelope.... and for everyone to open that envelope... inside, everyone got to see the graphic pics of the wench and the best man getting down..... talk about revenge.... embarrassed the girl in front of her whole family/friends/everyone she knows, blew her family's money (the marriage was annulled), embarrassed her dad and the best man..... maybe you could plot something fun like that..... tell him you don't have any money for the wedding and get money from him and blow it (at least close to the amount that the deposit was for)...then last minute tell him there is no wedding and then go on the trip w/ ur mom or friend!! and use the money that you got from him for the "wedding" to have fun while your on your trip. :) fun stuff....

no, you don't know a guy who did that. you just copied this.

no, i really do.. maybe he got the idea from there, but he really did do it.. i never said i came up w/ the plan, i just said i knew someone who did it.. and i never said that he devised it all on his own... but he did do it and it was funny... u spend a lot of time online, huh?

For some odd reason, I've noticed this among soon-to-be married couples. One cheats or decides to break it up. Its like there's a ticking bomb that is pressuring them and this is when they really find out if they REALLY want to be with the other or not. I'm not generalizing, I've just noticed it so often its becoming uncanny.

And the "missed connection" thing makes me also think that it's likely a reaction to the looming deadline. You know, a stupid romance-comedy "what if fate meant me to be with this one person I passed by briefly but who in reality is my Soul Mate!" hesitation. "What if I commit and THEN the One True Person comes? I just have to make sure...."