Silver linings

By Anonymous - 17/04/2009 18:42 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor and found out that I am infertile. When I called my boyfriend of 2 years, with whom I was hoping to have a future, to talk to him about it, all he said was, "So does this mean I don't have to wear a condom anymore?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 157
You deserved it 7 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He was pretty insensitive if he knew you wanted to have kids. Although the no condom thing is good news.

He's just looking on the positive side


moosey1234 0

i'd be crying my eyes out. . .lol at least he's looking at it as glass half full! =D

I don't see the FML here. Your boyfriend is made of pure win. LOL

lobstar 0

If a girl told me that I'd probably ask the same thing :/

Aww, I'm sorry about that. Some people don't want kids (like me). Look at it this way, when/if you decide to start a family, you can help children in need, and you won't have surprises before you're ready. Still sucks if you wanted kids though, honey. I'm really sorry, I wish that didn't happen to the people who want children. Guess you'll have to make the best of it. I think your boyfriend was insensitive, but he might not have realized that you really wanted children. And, #6, if it's an exclusive relationship and neither have STDs, then condoms are not necessary.

Agreed with #9 or #10... unless that was the first thing he said and he was happy afterwards. Hey, you guys can still adopt you know. Unless your bf was serious, in that case eff him.

That must be the worst thing in the world to find out (I can't wait to have kids, so I can understand), and then to have your boyfriend say THAT...I'm so sorry. :(

::shrugs:: If I was a guy, I would have asked the same thing.

hey, my aunt was told she was infertile, she adopted a child, two years later she got pregnant

Sucks for you, but if he didn't want kids (which I think you should have known if he did or not), that's pretty much the response I'd expect. Sex is much better without a condom, particularly for the guy.

Loe_307 0

So why can't you still have a future with him? If kids are that important there are options.