Silver linings

By Anonymous - 17/04/2009 18:42 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor and found out that I am infertile. When I called my boyfriend of 2 years, with whom I was hoping to have a future, to talk to him about it, all he said was, "So does this mean I don't have to wear a condom anymore?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 157
You deserved it 7 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He was pretty insensitive if he knew you wanted to have kids. Although the no condom thing is good news.

He's just looking on the positive side


liveitlearnit 0

I'm so sorry, sweetie. But, don't expect a man to understand. I feel for you. Maybe one day you'll adopt a beautiful baby and give it a wonderful life.

scorpioserpent 1

I don't think it's an FML. He still wants to be with you. It's an FML if he dumps you because he wants a family in the future.

It sounds like she wants children of her own someday and since she just found that that can never happen, it's an fml.

#20 is right, sometimes the doctors are wrong and you can have kids. I know of a couple that adopted twins, then later on was able to have biological children.

Hlessirah 3

Well, look on the bright side: at least this means that it doesn't bother him, and he won't stop the relationship because of it. Sure, it's insensitive, but not entirely negative.

What's wrong with saying that is that she was obviously very deeply upset by the news and his response was not even remotely compassionate or understanding of that. She shouldn't just "be happy that he still wants to be with her." She deserves someone who cares more about her state of mind than their own sexual benefit. That is assuming it was his immediate response. Adoption is fantastic, and does not contribute to overpopulation. :)

Goldfinch86 0

These are some of the most hurtful comments, she was looking for him to support and comfort her, he's and EPIC FAIL. For some women my self included i don't want to be a house wife with 5 kids but I would some day like to have children, just like her. SOME DAY. It;s a fail because her boyfriend may have been making a joke, but it was insensitive.

That's awful! Too be honest, that's my worst fear, finding out that I can never have children. But to find that out and then have your boyfriend ask that, first. I can definitely see why you might be rethinking a future with him, but make sure that it's not because of an over-reaction to understandable thoughtlessness. In his defense, as soon as you mentioned what doctor you were at, his mind would have gone to sex (hence the condoms). And then when you said that you can't get pregnant - well, it's a natural leap for a guy's mind to make. Well, any mind really. As I mentioned, my worst fear is being unable to have children, but I can't deny that I've thought about the benefits (simply in the pleasurable side of sex) of being unable to get pregnant.