Come again?

By Smash_Mouth - 08/03/2009 05:36 - United States

Today, I was driving down the road when I got to a red light. I looked over and saw a hot chick in a convertible, so I spoke to my window, thinking she couldn't hear me, "Hey girl, I may have a tiny dick but I make up for it in speed and stamina." She looked over. I forgot about the sunroof. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 573
You deserved it 87 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is where you point to your non-existent bluetooth headset on the side of your head facing away from her and say "Ha, this lady thought I was talking to her- Sorry Miss!"

Hgm09 0

So now, not only did you announce your inadequate penis size to this young woman, but you've managed to tell the rest of the world, too. I mean, it's not really a big deal, but you obviously care enough to be embarassed that she heard you. You're pretty dumb.


This is where you point to your non-existent bluetooth headset on the side of your head facing away from her and say "Ha, this lady thought I was talking to her- Sorry Miss!"

LMAO. Fail. I'd be soo embarrassed. YDI though... But hey. It's not the end of the world. Lesson learnes right? :)

Paradoxasaurus 0

Wow, a good first comment. That's a great idea, but it doesn't seem like OP has the brains to come up with it that quickly. Also, OP deserves it for having a tiny dick.


That's what you get for being a chauvinistic pig.

Lee002 8

YDI for being attracted to women.

I'm sorry, but how is saying that being chauvinistic? ...

Don't see how that's being a 'chauvinist pig'. Someone needs to lighten up a little.

Hgm09 0

So now, not only did you announce your inadequate penis size to this young woman, but you've managed to tell the rest of the world, too. I mean, it's not really a big deal, but you obviously care enough to be embarassed that she heard you. You're pretty dumb.

I clap for your correct grammar. ....clap clap clap clap....

If everyone clapped when people had good grammar, their hands would probably fall off.

Mistress_Puppy 0

That's....just very funny! Were there other cars around,'cause I'm sure someone else must have had their window down too. xDDDD

Xinxinix 0

Oh geez. So, is that your technique in getting women to date you? "I have a small penis!", you're a genius.

woodstock_fml 0

why would you even say that, even if the roof WAS up?

exactly what i was thinking #9, the guy must get nooo action.