Simmer down, dad

By QQQ - 20/05/2014 17:27 - United States

Today, I had to kick my own father out of my house after he started attacking my wife for breastfeeding our newborn son in the living room. All the way to the door, he ranted that, "You don't see me whipping my dick out and pissing in front of everyone, do you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 162
You deserved it 5 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's official: he's a complete bastard.

VengeanceChicken 12

But breastfeeding provides nourishment, whereas pissing in front of everyone provides dirty looks and makes you a recipient for a potential ass-kicking....


He was clearly formula feed do you think his mom would want to deal with nursing.

kayteakay 26

High five for standing up for your wife and baby!

I see no reason why she should hide in her OWN house breastfeeding a baby. It'd be a different matter if she was breastfeeding in the living room of OP's dad. If he hated it that much, he could have left the living room, or at least make a much more sensible comment about it, rather than being so vulgar and violent. Especially that newborns are very sensitive to anything around them, the little boy must have got scared to some extent too.

Congrats on doing a better job in parenting than your very own father (:

skittyskatbrat 19

Sorry your dad is an ass. But I'm glad your wife married a gem!

Terrible pun Tuesday: Breast assured he doesn't appreciate this situation. Also he's a dick, even if he is your father

Your father is an asshole, and a pig

Friends you choose. Family you're stuck with. It's unfortunate your Dad is an ass but he's your Dad. Forgive. One day you will smile at this.

rocker_chick23 27

Why would he look back and smile at the memory of his father being a total douchebag to his wife?