Sink-dodger alert!

By penpendesrapen - 11/03/2010 00:40 - Philippines

Today, I went to the bathroom to take a piss. While washing my hands, I heard someone taking a large dump in one of the stalls. When he was finished, he left the bathroom without washing his hands. Turns out he was the IT guy I called to fix my computer. He sat down on my chair and used my keyboard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 398
You deserved it 2 500

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lysol. And a phone call to his supervisor. FYL.


Or, maybe, for a change - do not shit on your hands? I mean, that is what normal people do, right? Not shit/urinate on your hands. Why is it, that such a thing is so disgusting for you people? Because someone told you?? I wonder how many really bad things I would find in your fridges, or under your furniture, or beds...

Intellectualist 0

I feel like I want to die, just from reading that. People are disgusting.

gecko13 0

l don't care what she says, she's a cutie!

srl_fml 0

Get over it and clean your keyboard

wow does ur ******* grammer really matter that much. NO so get a life and dott be like, oh u misbspelled a word, and u need a comma in ur sentence. cause nobody gives to *****

Ecnassianer 0

... He then started biting his nails, and posted that FML from yesterday.

Oh, come on ! Most people don't wash their hands after taking a dump. I don't, because.. well.. I'm CLEAN. I know how to wipe myself... (not washing your hands after peing when you're male is a big mistake, that I agree)

AlterEggo 0

YDI for not telling him off. I hope you called his supervisor.

I bet he was Indian not because he is an it guy but because he didn't wash his hands..

That's racist. I'm an Indian, and I seem to have better hygiene than most people here - Take a look at posts #29,#57,#66 for example. That's the same sort of retardness as saying every Muslim is a terrorist. @snickerdoodles, My grammar might be a bit off, mind correcting? ;p

Indians smell like shit no pun intended...