Smooth talker

By Kate - 07/03/2009 18:36 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were out to eat. The waiter came and asked what we wanted. My boyfriend said he wanted a cheeseburger and I told the waiter I'd have the same. My boyfriend looked at me and said, "Are you sure you don't want a salad?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 760
You deserved it 8 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vitaminsandminer 0

wow what a dick, guys should appreciate having a girl who isnt constantly watching their weight and should love their girl no matter what she decides to eat

radiantxxreality 8

i agree, i don't think that #1 was wrong at all. us girls should be able to eat whatever we want. guys always complain that we always pick at our food and that we never eat. and when we finally do they complain about that! make up your minds!


Emmett_Luver_101 0

id be like yeah im sure are you sure YOU dont want a salad?

I'm pretty sure that means no sex for years if you stay with him.

Your response: "I'm sure, he likes me with a little meat." Let him worry about who "he" is.

Topguy 0

Wow slap him. Ass Me <3 cheesebugers!

i was a waiter for some time and the husband of the couple had comments like that for the entire course of their stay; VERY rude.

666HailSatan666 0

Jesus titty-******* christ! "Dump him!".... Wtf have people dwindled down to? Are relationships that fragile and disposable that they should be ended because of just 1 little comment? God! Todays society is filled with mindless drones!!

okay, i don't know you, OP, i have no idea what you look like, how much you weigh...but if you are fat, your boyfriend is going to notice. being fat isn't healthy. there's a possibility that he just wants you to be healthy, which is why he would ask if you would rather salad instead. i don't think he was disparaging you (or not trying to, anyway). he could be genuinely concerned. since he is your boyfriend, then i doubt he has a problem with your body, but a problem for your health. again, this is if you're fat...i'm not's possible he meant it the way you took it, but it's also possible he didn't. i wish more people would take this into consideration... #83 is right, "Todays society is filled with mindless drones"

amazinggbaby 2

maybe he was watching his bill?

Origami86 6

I'll go out on a limb here and say that girls LOVE to bitch and moan. It's like their goal in life. They live for that. I bet there would still be an FML if the situation was reversed because you can always find something to whine about. "Today, my boyfriend and I were out to eat. The waiter came and asked what we wanted. My boyfriend said he wanted a cheeseburger and i told the waiter I'll have a salad. My boyfriend looked at me and said, " Are you sure you don't want a cheeseburger ?" FML. BAZINGA !

did you guys go out to eat @ mcdonalds? cause then the cheeseburgers are small .. probably less calories then their salads. I would have ordered 2 just to piss him off. =)