Smooth talker

By Kate - 07/03/2009 18:36 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were out to eat. The waiter came and asked what we wanted. My boyfriend said he wanted a cheeseburger and I told the waiter I'd have the same. My boyfriend looked at me and said, "Are you sure you don't want a salad?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 760
You deserved it 8 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vitaminsandminer 0

wow what a dick, guys should appreciate having a girl who isnt constantly watching their weight and should love their girl no matter what she decides to eat

radiantxxreality 8

i agree, i don't think that #1 was wrong at all. us girls should be able to eat whatever we want. guys always complain that we always pick at our food and that we never eat. and when we finally do they complain about that! make up your minds!


iammeanttolive 0

"Do you still want your dick?"

I argee with #1, however if it was like a health concern then I'd understand...but if that was the case he should be eating the salad too.

Well, if you've gained a lot of weight since you started dating him, you're kind of asking for it.

Listen Up Ladies. Being thin and tone is your JOB. In fact, it is your only job. I don't get it. Why can't you just do that? I'm a guy who eats well, and stays active to maintain a fit/trim body. Why the F**K can't you women? Do you know how many women I meet that would look so much better if they lost 10lbs? Get with it and stop with all this, "its all about how you feel inside." BS. Do yourself a favor stop eating all the sh*t you did freshman year and maybe I'll pay attention to you.

snkybstrd 0
choppedNskrewed 0

umm....okay #70 i'm just gunna go ahead and assume you were joking. I mean, "Being thin and tone is your JOB. In fact, it is your only job." ??? Did we go back to like, the 1500s or something?? wtf? You and #55 can both go to a closet somewhere and discuss your mutual love of female oppression, how about that? Try and stay out of the gene pool though. Anywayy. To the OP: Maybe he was joking? Maybe if you only ate salad most of the time, he was just making sure that's what you wanted. And maybe the girls he used to date only ate salad so who knows? Maybe he was surprised to see a girl that wasn't afraid to eat what she wants and isn't always obsessing over her weight. So if you're a healthy weight, it could even be a good thing he said that.

un_known_fml 0

maybe he just said it because you usually get something else ? and you know, guys don't always actually think of how their words might sound... girls just tend to overthink things =)

goshkoganwtf 0

Aww are you seriouse? I would dump his ass. If he really liked you, then he wouldnt have a problem with how you look.

Well. Are you fat? Is he? I don't see why you people think this is so different than say a girlfriend suffering from emphysema saying "I'm going out for a smoke" and the boyfriend saying "Are you sure you wouldn't rather just go for a walk?" Obviously it shows that this guy lacks tact. But chances are good that he had good advice. Of course if he's pudgy and eating a burger than his credibility is gone. And if OP is fit same thing. But seriously people stop treating fatties like an endangered species.