Sole music

By Anonymous - 16/12/2010 20:59 - United States

Today, a thumb tack came out of one of my posters on my wall. The sole of my foot had the pleasure of finding it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 387
You deserved it 3 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you found it! It could have been worse...I could have stepped on it instead.


Dude, I've stepped on a nail before... suck it up. buttercup.

zp5 4

It's a good thing your foot found it, because what if it stepped on it? That would hurt.

I used to play football in my front yard barefoot all the time. We had stickers. You're a pussy. Suck it up.

beckers3xx 0

I'm always afraid that that is going to happen to me

This FML reminds me of the Walmart Clown Commercial, Foot Meets Unicorn Horn<3 Best and Funniest Commercial ever=)

Hahahaha I just watched that. I'd never seen it before. Awesome.

If it wasn't for your feet, you wouldn't have found it. Don't be sad!