Sole music

By Anonymous - 16/12/2010 20:59 - United States

Today, a thumb tack came out of one of my posters on my wall. The sole of my foot had the pleasure of finding it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 387
You deserved it 3 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you found it! It could have been worse...I could have stepped on it instead.


xX504DBXx 0

This reminds me of the time when i was with my gf. I was getting out of her bed and i grabbed onto the desk for support when i felt this sharp pain at the tip of my thumb... I look at it and realize i have one of her studded earrings going into the tip of my thumb :S

Could've been worse. Heeeyyyyyy. Sit on it! yes. I'm that ******* old.

perdix 29

The other day I was just explaining to my daughter who The Fonz was. You're not the only dinosaur here ;)

chokolatecandie1 6

You must be Doogie Howser. all you youngsters google that shit.

xXDubbleChic 11

lol the way you wrote this was hilarious 