Spice up your love life

By screwed - 04/11/2012 09:55 - United States

Today, my hubby and I decided to spice up our sex life and went to an adult toy store. We know too many people in our town, so we drove to one that was 30 minutes away. We decided on our items, and went to the check out. Who would have guessed my next door neighbor works there as a cashier? FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 749
You deserved it 5 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no! Now your neighbour knows you have a healthy sex life! Whatever will you do? How will you ever live it down? The only solution is to have loud, raucous sex all the time so he knows your purchase was successful.

Hey, you only BOUGHT something from a sex shop. They WORK there. I think you're pretty even!


skip_m 6

So, what you're saying is in that instance your neighbor made a living off of your sex life.

Yes, but I, as an atheist, do not care about what religious people think. It is their own life and I do not pry in it and I expect them to do the same for me. You know. A religious person has the right to explain why I should believe in "our Lord" and what to expect if I would NOT believe - going in the hell and so on. But I have the right to tell the person "thank you for your advice, but I do not believe in this stuff and I wil live my life as I wish." And the only thing the religious person could do in the moment is thinking "Do as you wish, you will see your horrible mistake when you will see our Lord after your death" and this is it.

As I say: The religion is like the penis. It is OK that you have it. It is OK that you are proud of it. But do not wave it in public and do not laugh at people who do not have it. And DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT SHOVE IT INTO MY CHILDREN'S THROATS!!!

What on earth does this post have to do with religion?? And FYI, just because someone has "religion" doesn't make them those crazed loons you see on tv or on the streets. I'm a Christian, and I am not like that in the slightest! I go about my business and my life and will happily talk about my faith if someone brings it up first. But I have also found, that it seems to be my non-Christian friends who always bring stuff up and want to start arguments, and will be the ones saying insulting remarks. I don't bring those things up, I respect everyone's decision, but I personally find it's very rarely any of the Christians I know causing scenes or arguments.

I can be public with my religion as much as I want. That doesn't mean I try to convert people, because that's whats disrespectful. Also, what does this have to do with the FML?

RedPillSucks 31

Zidane, while I love your imagery, you're the only one injecting religion, or lack thereof, into the conversation.

gmc_blossom 21

80- Then next time, reply to them.

The one nice thing you can say about Fifty Shades of Grey is that it has made this sort of thing a bit less shameful. After all, the average housewife can get away with reading badly written smut on the subway without having to hide it behind the dustcover of a more deserving NYTimes bestseller.

It should never have been shameful in the first place.

The only reason you should be embarrassed is if you look at your window and he's watching you try out your purchases. Then again that's spice too for some.

I think your secret is completely safe! There's no way he's talking!

Maybe you would have guessed that, if you took more of an interest in those around you.

Wtf? Married couples have sex? What planet are you on?

notepie 6

Going to a sex store is nothing to be ashamed of. We all have sex, we all need it! And having your neighbor as the cashier should not really be embarrassing.