Spice up your love life

By screwed - 04/11/2012 09:55 - United States

Today, my hubby and I decided to spice up our sex life and went to an adult toy store. We know too many people in our town, so we drove to one that was 30 minutes away. We decided on our items, and went to the check out. Who would have guessed my next door neighbor works there as a cashier? FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 749
You deserved it 5 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no! Now your neighbour knows you have a healthy sex life! Whatever will you do? How will you ever live it down? The only solution is to have loud, raucous sex all the time so he knows your purchase was successful.

Hey, you only BOUGHT something from a sex shop. They WORK there. I think you're pretty even!


perdix 29

Now you know you don't need to buy anything from there, you can just borrow stuff from your neighbor, knowing they probably got a healthy discount on some of the toys. Heck, they probably got some defective and returned units for free! Your only investment now will be in industrial-strength disinfectants.

crazytwinsmom 25

Defective toys, interesting visual!

CharresBarkrey 15

The thought of using someone else's sex toys makes me cringe.

If they work in an adult store 30 minutes away, it's a good chance they don't really tell people what they do (you didn't know). So you'll be fine, besides they work around that stuff all the time. They've probably seen a lot of 'embarrassed' people, even ones they knew. It's really nothing to be ashamed of. Like other people say, you're married! I guarantee people already know you have sex.

Man that was the wrong adult sore for you

perdix 29

"adult sore?!?!?" I found my nominee for Best Typo of 2012.

Trooth 13

If you are ashamed of your sex life, then toys probably wont fix anything anyway

coolbrony12 3

Your "hubby"? Please use proper English.

1) God forbid language have any variety! 2) There's really no such thing as "proper" English. This isn't French; there's no Academie Anglaise. Correctness in English is more like a scale than a strict division between right and wrong. You learn something new every day! ;)

That is not the thing that irks me the most. "Hubby" is just a diminutive, no problem with that. Using "your" instead of "you're", "sauce" instead of "source", "ware" instead of "wear" or even "moar" instead of "more" and so on is worse I say. English is my second language and such mistakes are just horrible I say.

#46, I totally agree. Those errors should only be allowed in the most informal situations between native speakers, otherwise it just impedes communication. Like I said, correctness is a scale. Those are just WAY at the bottom of it. :)

Ima go ahead and say YDI for caring what people think. You guys are married, plain and simple what other people think or see is irreverent.

kattylizbeth 19

hey, now he's probably embarrassed that you caught him working at an adult toy store. lol. dont worry about itt.

sweetmama88 6

Why do you care what other people think? Your a married couple., if your interested in buying toys to spice up your love life with your husband , I personally think its not anyone business what you do .your both adults !

Even if they would not be married - why to care about what other people think? I do not pry into their lives and I want them to not pry into my life, simple as that.

dgiles_7 1

Which is more awkward...you finding out he works there, or him seeing you buying stuff there...

CharresBarkrey 15

Neither, because everyone has sex, and everyone needs to work.