Stop lying

By dinosaurman - 07/10/2009 16:07 - Canada

Today, I found out that my sister, who is 16 years older than me, is actually my biological mother. She and my parents decided it was best that I didn't know who my real mother was, and to be raised by my grandparents as their child. I've always hated my sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 192 615
You deserved it 10 018

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adelaide_evening 0

Well then, I guess it's a good thing your grandparents raised you, isn't it?

Holy shit... this one isn't even funny. I'm sorry, man : |


What the OP isn't mentioning is that her granded is still her dad, go incest!

Home and Away much? This sounds like Charlie and Ruby...

wellinever 5

hahaha. Your name is Zoe Slater and you live in classic EastEnders moments.

sparxva 12

Hardly an FML to be raised by loving grandparents who parented you when your own mother was too immature to handle it. And its hardly surprising that you would hate your 'sister' since she probably came across as a control freak telling you what to do all the time. Still though, hardly an FML to be raised by loving grandparents.

girlskill 0

Shes not technically your sister at all. Stop calling her that.

satanstoystore 0

#1 is right. so were your grandparents.

Poor you but if you want to call your biological mum your sister thats completely fine cause thats what you know her as and if you want to call you grandparents your mum and dad thats fine to, because its what you know them as. I know some members of my family as different things like some of my cousins i call my aunts or uncles or some people i call my sisters that arent. Its fine and well done to your sister for doing the right thing.