By Anonymous - 23/11/2013 21:57 - Argentina

Today, after getting a root canal, I told my mother how boring it was just sitting there with my mouth open for ages while the dentist did his work. She then told me how she had to do the same kind of thing on her anniversary night with my father. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 828
You deserved it 4 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My jaw dropped at that statement but not for your mother's reasons.

wow things you NEVER want to hear about your parents


JAW dropping story! unlike the jaw drop your mom did... sorry OP pray my mom never says that.

At least she knew what you were going through?

At least you probably got laughing gas or some kind of anaesthetic.

that does not relieve the pain caused by that mental image

I made a promise to myself that I would never be "that" parent.

i made a promise to be as awkward a parent as i can be! lol

I am in the same boat as you. i want my kids to have lols in their lives unlike some kids nowadays. playing nothing but video games and what not :

Did your dad tell her to spit at the end like your dentist did?

Your mom needs a brain to mouth filter.

martin8337 35
NodakN8V 25

Such a bad analogy... Could of been worse...could of dealt with small pricks...

strawberrywine22 30

These are not the type of things a parent is supposed to share with their children..... Don't they know that this much info isn't wanted?!

P_M95 8

Hey I know it gets awkward hearing that stuff from your parents. But it is, funny learn to relax a bit.

perdix 29

I guess he eventually figured out how to bore in the right canal, or else you wouldn't exist. ;)