
By PizzaBoySwag - 04/06/2011 09:36 - United States

Today, I ran into my ex-girlfriend from high school at the exact pizza shop we met at where I worked in high school. She broke it off with me after she caught me cheating with her best friend. These days, she's a lawyer who makes six figures a year. I still work at the same pizza shop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 307
You deserved it 125 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BicPlease 3

That's what I call epic karma, my friend.


theoriginalfake 2

hey, being married to a chick lawyer isn't all it made out to be. she's probably overworked and bitchy most of the time. trust me. your a lot happier!

you are such a jerk just die you totally deserved that

xMissxMurderx 1

you deserve it for being a cheating loser


hotchick231 0

I wanna say I feel bad for u but I can't

How did this get posted on here? YDI a million times over! You're a low life cheating scum bag who is too lazy to try and get a better job or further his education and you want us to feel sorry for you? Breaking up with you was the best thing she ever did.