Such a cutie

By Anonymous - 30/05/2013 20:25 - United Kingdom - London

Today, my mum made me take her poodle on a walk, which she'd dressed in a tiara and a pink dog dress. Being a 19-year-old guy, I was pissed. After I got home, I saw that my mom had filmed me from the window and posted it to Facebook, to everyone's great delight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 530
You deserved it 6 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's something my mom would do. Just man up and own that shit. OWN the princess poodle.


It's one time a good laugh does make you live longer...have a little fun here and there...

groovycrazyjoe 18

that didn't get you any girls. they should have been aww it's cute. ( dog)

You work it! Haha that's something my mom would do. I'm sure everyone got a good laugh

19 and without the courage to say "no" to such an obviously stupid request? Tell us why your Mom takes such obvious delight in setting you up to look like a dweeb and then films it and posts it online? She may think its funny but I think it's vicious. You need to figure this one out pardner.

Man, I wouldn't be caught dead doing that!

And now I wish fmls could be submitted in hilarious video form.

hannahsnyder69 16

I hate the fact that my mom understands technology. It's never a good thing.