Surgery gone rogue

By Anonymous - 03/06/2012 20:27 - United States

Today, I was operating on a young girl, when she began to awaken during the surgery. We quickly put her back under, of course, but now I'm terrified that she'll remember my profuse cursing and get me in the shit with my curmudgeonly killjoy of a boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 981
You deserved it 11 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Flash her one of those things from Men In Black.

Surgery must be pretty stressful. There's a lot of pressure involved. If anyone should be allowed to swear at work, it should be a surgeon.


sweetmama88 6

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Surely the anaesthesiologist would be the one losing hos job rather than the surgeon. I'd say the bigger deal would be waking up rather than the swearing.

Damn it, his not hos. *Hides in corner*

Honestly, it's not the surgeons fault.. It would be the anesthesiologist's. Hence his cursing being the reason he's scared.

Stuff happens during surgery. It's not just going through the motions. Plus, every patient is different and handle drugs differently. After hearing stories from my dad (who is an anesthesiologist) he always says how this person needed more of this and that person needed less of that.

rebel_belle1974 5

She won't even remember, that's some good stuff they give ya

sidewaysponytail 0

She now thinks you're a pedo bear.

NoisyNykkii 10

By any chance are you DocBastard?

NoisyNykkii 10

It seems I was missing a comma there....oh well.

No. If my patients start to wake up, I do the only reasonable thing possible: I kill them. Then there is no chance of them remembering anything.

Would you also use the word "curmudgeonly"?

Can we please go one Medical related FML without someone mentioning DocBastard?

By any chance did you read someone else already put this comment?

drewfus2 6

99 - Why would you want that?

peachyFML 17

Why? He's everyone's favorite Doc.

BubbleGrunge 18

Lots of people wake durning operations, and I'm sure lots of doctors have potty mouths! Don't sweat it, like most have said she probably won't remember and if she does she will probably think it was a dream.

Where exactly are you getting your information? Please allow me to educate you a bit - "lots" of people do NOT wake up during surgery. It's an extremely rare occurrence.

I realize it's not a good idea to argue with DocB, but quite a few people wake up during operations. They don't wake up fully, but eyes do open. They will not remember it after the operation.

And to add on, surgeons that have performed surgery on me, have told me that it's a common occurrence, but greatly depends on the amount of anesthesia given.

BubbleGrunge 18

See I, also, have woken up durning surgery. I vaguely remembered one time it happened, but I just remember a flash of light and nothing else. The other time I didn't remember waking up but was told I had. I understand the majority people do not, but a lot of people do. Oh and, Doc, I got my information from my surgeon, who informed me about 40-50 precent I patients experience an awakening feeling during surgery, though they may not actually awaken they have a awareness for a few moments .

DocBastard, according to statistics from 2000, around 20% of people put under general end up awakening before schedule. However, due to Versed, not even half that remembers it.

That's what I mean. "Waking up" does not mean "moving around a little", because a LOT of patients do that. I'm talking about "anaesthesia awareness" where you wake up and are aware during surgery. Bubble, I misunderstood what you meant by waking up. Apologies.

BubbleGrunge 18

Nope no worries Doc, prehaps I should have explained the awareness thing a little better. :)

wlddog 14

I can back DocBastard up on that. Have had a few surgeries and every time I wake up I have that clear goop in my eyes. It seems my eyes open and I try to move around, but I never remember anything. I like to think I woke up because the hot nurses were making out on top of me.

I hope to never wake up during a surgery.

flashback.miss 28

Nah, I dont think you have to worry about that. She's a kid, going through surgery and put under powerful drugs. She'll be more happy that someone was helping her after she wakes up. Being a surgeron is much quite stressful and I think it's understandable why you swore.

Mearemoi 14

And what exactly did OP do that was worthy of karma? I'm fairly positive you have used at least one vulgar word in your life.

What the **** are you babbling on about? That sentence doesn't fit in just any situation.

If she had versed in her system I'm sure she won't remember anything,