Surgery gone rogue

By Anonymous - 03/06/2012 20:27 - United States

Today, I was operating on a young girl, when she began to awaken during the surgery. We quickly put her back under, of course, but now I'm terrified that she'll remember my profuse cursing and get me in the shit with my curmudgeonly killjoy of a boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 981
You deserved it 11 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Flash her one of those things from Men In Black.

Surgery must be pretty stressful. There's a lot of pressure involved. If anyone should be allowed to swear at work, it should be a surgeon.


We swear all the time. I curse at the goddamned patient for having difficult anatomy, at the bloody situation for being difficult, at the worthless assistant for not helping me well enough, at the ******* anesthesiologist for not keeping the patient still, at the moronic tech for not having the right instruments ready, at the idiotic nurse for not having the right stuff in the room, and at myself for cursing so ******* much.

flame2011 6

Oh my gosh, doctor house is real? Score for humanity!

MrSexyPants 14

I feel like Doc would be Dr. Cox from Scrubs.

zingline89 18

Actually if you've ever read Doc's blog you'll see he hates House

alwaysrunnin 3

I definitely searched for Doc's comment. It would probably be the most reasonable

I agree, Bastard would most assuredly be Dr. Cox.

****** a! I can appreciate a real person who is a doctor. not just someone who's by the books.

Just tell her everything she saw was a dream. I'm sure she'll believe you she is child.

alexicanaaa 7

I had my gallbladder removed a year ago and I was already out of surgery but I was in a waiting area waiting for my room to be ready and I was just starting to wake up from the anesthesia but I hadnt moved or opened my eyes but this old lady nurse was cussing in every sentence. I was like whoa is this legal?!! Hahahahahh.

Did they teach you about punctuation in your high school in Alabama?

alexicanaaa 7

Yes, yes they did. But you know what, sir? I typed that pretty fast and then I realized that it was one long sentence. I just didn't think anyone cared enough to actually make a remark about it. I'm guessing since you had to add Alabama to your remark that you think I'm an illiterate redneck? Well, guess again. My high school in ALABAMA is the school of excellence. So I'm ever so sorry that one run on sentence bothered you that bad. Have a nice day. (;

alexicanaaa 7

I don't think she will remember. She will probably think it was a dream.

racinghart09 4

"Watch me do this one blindfolded!! "

Not sure why you're worried, you're not the one who was awake for part of surgery. FHL, today she woke up during surgery to a doctor who instead of remaining calm, cursed in the OR.

It's a ******* scary thing when the patient wakes up during the ******* surgery. And OP certainly did not freak the **** out or whatever the **** you're implying by "not staying calm". If anyone has the right to curse in the world it is OP and people of his profession.

Why would she wake up anyway? If u put her to sleep properly it wouldn't happen, ur fault

1. Surgeon isn't in charge of anesthesia. 2. You don't just "put someone under". You have to monitor their bodily response to it and adjust levels accordingly, which can be harder with some patients than with others, since people gave different levels of tolerance and the anesthesiologist has to make judgment calls on how much to give. 3. You're a dunderhead.

That's the anaesthetist's fault, not the surgeon's. You fail.

Monster_tamer, thanks for giving me another insult to use! *goes off calling people dunderheads*

It's not his fault she woke up, it's the anesthesiologist's.

Mommyof2_91 10

Umm no. Anesthesiologists put the patient out, and people react differently to drugs. She very well could have been out, but the drugs could have worn off faster because her body may metabolize it faster.

Mommyof2_91 10

My app just showed me all the other comments, so I just realized I pretty much restated what everyone else said. Damn...

Poor girl, and poor you. Good luck and hope that girl isn't a bitch and doesn't tell your boss