
By Idek - 30/01/2015 16:27 - Australia - Perth

Today, I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed and I noticed my boyfriend had commented on a post. It said, "Tag the hottest girl you know". Yeah, he tagged his ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 073
You deserved it 3 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Find every post that says "tag an asshole," or any other similar name, and tag him in all of them.


I quit reading and selected YDI at Facebook. I then finished reading and stand by my decision. Anyone who gets upset about ANYTHING that EVER happens on Facebook (or any other form of "social media") should seriously consider going out and playing with themselves in the middle if the freeway, as that would be a more efficient utilization of your time. Get a real life, people!

What an awful boyfriend... you're supposed to be the most beautiful and attractive girl to him... so sorry OP :(

tchatter 7

Dump his stupid ass and find someone who will appreciate you!

you need to talk to him and then dump him

How long ago was the post? Because posts that friends have liked/commented on like a year or more ago will somtimes show up on my newsfeed.

Men are Assholes they don't get that it's hurtful to us till we do it to them then we are labeled u loyal hoes well WTF are they?!!

Get out... And get out now. That's ridiculous.

I really hope you mean ex because that's just tasteless and an all around asshat move on his part.