Taking it too far

By Hypocrisy - 28/09/2011 22:16 - United States

Today, I was called a pervert. On a phone sex line. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 661
You deserved it 56 808

Same thing different taste


theonlysweetpea 10
BCenobit3 3

Rejoice in being a bit of a pervert, I'd thank them for recognizing my wonderful freakishness &tell them stop your making me blush

just be like i called to be seduced not to be lectured so shut your mouth hahahaha

onorexveritas 23

well technically anyone on sex lines are either perverts and orsluts so don't be too offended

lisha88 1

You must be really nasty if they called you a pervert or you called the wrong number and started talking nasty lol