
By why the fuck would you do that - 25/02/2013 02:57 - United States - Phoenix

Today, my son broke his hand when he and his best friend had the genius idea of punching each other in the fists as hard as they could. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 594
You deserved it 3 792

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bloody Knuckles. I haven't played that since I was 10.

It's weird how when we are young we think we are indestructible. It's amazing really how we survive our early years.


whiteboy896 9

quarters was a fun game but its even funner with a nickel.

osm1989_fml 6

I'm so glad I have girls. There will be ridiculous amounts of drama when the teenage years hit, I'm sure, but for now, I'm so glad I have girls.

I'm sorry, but this made me laugh so hard, especially after reading your screen name.

Last time i played Bloody Knuckles, I almost made mine and my friends arms brake at the same time.

ashes941 4

My brothers friend played Bloody Knuckles once, he broke all of his knuckles on BOTH hands and kept playing til he won.

I get the fewling this was an epic brofist as opposed to bloody knuckles. In bloody knuckles you take turns, which greatly reduces the chances of breaking them, while increasing the chances of bleeding, hence the name.

o_uhu_intrstng 4

ironically when the bone heals it will be stronger. so next time he'll probably win.