Thanks, I guess?

By LocallyBrewed - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I met my biological parents for the first time, 29 years into my life. They turned out to be two of the most pathetic people I have ever met, and the meeting ended after they asked me to lend them money because I "literally owe them my life." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 887
You deserved it 2 710

Same thing different taste


I'm proud to know that you're strong enough to know that you're the stronger person here. Much love bruh. Stay strong.

I cannot imagine what you are going through. You are such a strong person to even look let alone be able to accept everything in spite of the pain it causes. I wish you the best on getting beyond all this and, though it may seem harsh, I hope you never have to see those people again.

all of these nice comments have my heart swelling. YALL are some great people

****, I'm so sorry OP. At least you know your upbringing was better than being raised by those two selfish assholes. Chin up, and the FML community is here supporting you.

You may look like him, but you are not him!

I'm so sorry OP that sounds like an awful experience.

I'm sorry OP, that must have been a horrible discovery

Everything that I wanted to reply to this follow-up has already been said, so I'll just offer some virtual (((((hugs)))))

RKD 23

Don't worry, OP! I woulda given then a few bucks, they probably regret it, or would if they weren't so sad,,,,but it was entirely up to you!