Thanks, I guess?

By LocallyBrewed - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I met my biological parents for the first time, 29 years into my life. They turned out to be two of the most pathetic people I have ever met, and the meeting ended after they asked me to lend them money because I "literally owe them my life." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 887
You deserved it 2 708

Same thing different taste


ndnpride88 25

You went 29yrs without them OP I think you be just fine without having them for another 29yrs. Hopefully you had great adoptive parents while growing up.

I wouldn't give them the time of day, much less money.

That is a fml for sure. Always wondered if something like that would happen how it would be. Sorry for your experience. That sucks. But you have a great set of adopted parents.

I can only imagine the roller-coaster of emotions you must've felt before and after. I'm sorry it didn't turn out the way you wanted it to.

Here's something interesting about my birth parents, when they first met my adoptive parents, my adoptive family felt obligated to help them out, mostly since they were impoverished and immigrants, this was solely because when my birth father's family first moved to Canada, a Muslim family not only bought them a house, but also the building my grandpa put his restaurant. My birth parents happened to be muslims.

At least you stayed strong and managed those last words. Sorry op. (Accidentally voted YDI but you totally don't sorry op)

Well, there was a reason for them giving you up. Good thing is they had the sense to do it - just imagine if they had kept you... So don't bother with them, and just be happy that there was a family to take you in and care for you instead.