Thanks, I hate it

By effmylife - 23/10/2009 10:09 - United States

Today, I took my SUV in to get the oil changed, and the tires rotated. They allowed me to stay there, because they said it would only take 30 minutes. So I sit there in the waiting room, and I look through the window only to see my SUV falling off the lift, from 6 feet in the air. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 778
You deserved it 3 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I see a lawsuit in their future. Sue them. They should have secured it.

I'm not gonna lie, this would be cool to see if it wasn't mine. On an unrelated note, I admire you for not caving in to pressure from the tree hugging left wing nuts and keeping your SUV. Go you! Drive what you want!


probably because the vehicle that that person owns is an SUV and not a Car. they are 2 different things you know. theres also a 3rd. Its called a Van.

quivx 7

SUVs don't pollute or contribute to global warming any more than cow flatulence.

TheDrifter 23

I blame it all on chrmically modified soy based hippie farts.

To all that are ragging on OP for driving an SUV. shut the hell up about it. You have absolutely no grounds to say shit like that without knowing anything about this person except that there SUV fell off a lift. Maybe this person needs the SUV for something. maybe its a work truck. maybe where this person lives in new jersey they need it for the winter, maybe its a small SUV and not a great big Ford Excursion. As for saying YDI for not doing your own oil change. Maybe its a new SUV and they have one of them maintenance packages with it. why would you do it and get all dirty when someone else can do it for you? and if none of them are the case and this person actually has no idea how to change the oil, and has no real need for an SUV but they just want it. thats perfectly fine. After all OP does live in the United States of America, the land of the free. which means freedom to buy whatever vehicles you want, for whatever reasons you want. All in all. Just get over it hippies

Well said. I love how so many people say "Don't assume" for one FML, then assume away. There are small SUVs that are not gas guzzlers by the definition of an "SUV gas guzzler."

alex_vik 0

Land of the free? Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Europe has you beat on freedoms, with the freedom to an equal level of healthcare regardless of your wealth, & the freedom to marry whoever you choose regardless of gender to name but two. I agree that the OP should be left alone regarding owning an SUV. Some people need it, some people don't. The people driving them who don't need it are punishing themselves anyways by having to purchase more fuel than if they used a smaller vehicle. Therefore there is no need to rip into them for it. OP was right to have mechanics change their oil, & those of you criticising that obviously missed the part about rotating the tyres too. It also means that as the vehicle is in their care, they are liable, & thus heavily out of pocket on this one. The OP might even end up with a better vehicle after this, depending on the damage their own sustained & whether repairing is more practical than replacing.

And maybe you should realize not to take anything on this site seriously. lol, you're life must suck if you get this worked up over a website called fmylife.

Mutsumi, americans DO have free healthcare. We have the FREEDOM to buy our own damn health insurance. And to the rest of you crazies, SUV's are indeed a luxury, but cars in general are a luxury too ya know. No one really NEEDS to live in the suburbs, or places where things aren't accessible by mass transit. If you REALLY care about the environment, you would actually DO something, instead of complaining about things on the internet, on FML no less... And to the OP: We all know what you have to do, SUE!!! lol, it is what we americans do best :)

McA513M, the freedom to pay for your healthcare either directly or via an insurance plan does not equal free healthcare.

lmmmr 0

McA513M, tell that to my 24 year old sibling with pre-existing cancer. Yeah, obtaining affordable health care in America is a ******* breeze.

umm yes people do need suv's in real life. people are soo ******* stupid and ignorant to jump on the op's ass for owning an suv. did anyone stop to think they may have a large family and need the extra room or need to tow heavy shit or maybe it was a diesel that actually burns cleaner than gas.. no wow everyone needs to shut the **** up and understand that what may work for some does not work for others. I beleive in saving the earth but I am not about to condem someone for owning an suv or reward someone for owning a hybrid.

Mutsumi, the ability of the government to pay for most of your healthcare does not equal free healthcare. either. You pay that in taxes, no? And even with that, I'm pretty sure countries with equal healthcare, people still have to pay for certain medicines over the counter or by prescription. Oh, and FYI: Gays can't get married in all of Europe either, much of Eastern Europe do not offer any form whatsoever, and only 5 countries in western europe offer TRUE same-sex marriage. Immmr, I am incredibly sorry for your sister's predicament, but no where in our constitution does it states that free healthcare is a right. Health insurance is like car insurance, the more "liable" you are, the more you pay in insurance. While it may not be the best option for everyone, it gives us as americans the amount of healthcare we wish to pay for. Like it, or leave it, no one is FORCING you to live in a place that doesn't offer it. But enough about healthcare, it's not what this FML is about. FYL OP

Shadow_Phantom 26

SUVs are expensive to keep and run. I guess FYL.

yeah i think god wants you to drive a less dumb vehicle

morgan020 0

the funny thing is that I bet half the people bitching at her about owning an suv drive an suv but oh well that really sucks though.

tifney737 0

your life is awesome you now get a brand new vehical!!

I thought they were all cars...then there's SUVs or Sedans or whatever else

pancakes_n_syrup 0

I think the fact that it was a bigger vehicle actually had a meaning...if she said "car", you would have just imagined a little tiny car falling off the lift, the fact that she said "suv" (which yes, car and suv are 2 different things as the other person said), you imagine a huge vehicle falling. The bigger they are the harder they fall

All of you tree huggers need to shut the hell up about driving SUV'S. I driver a brand new Hummer and get 6 miles to the gallon and really dont care. I also drive a Ford F 350 diesle that blows out so much black smoke when I drive its great. I dont care about the enviroment what so ever. You can all kiss my ass for all I care.

well, first and foremost, your comment is absolutely useless to this thread, on top of making you sound like a 16 year old bastard child whose parents feel bad for neglecting so they buy him stuff. second, learn how to spell diesel.