Thanks, I hate it

By effmylife - 23/10/2009 10:09 - United States

Today, I took my SUV in to get the oil changed, and the tires rotated. They allowed me to stay there, because they said it would only take 30 minutes. So I sit there in the waiting room, and I look through the window only to see my SUV falling off the lift, from 6 feet in the air. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 778
You deserved it 3 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I see a lawsuit in their future. Sue them. They should have secured it.

I'm not gonna lie, this would be cool to see if it wasn't mine. On an unrelated note, I admire you for not caving in to pressure from the tree hugging left wing nuts and keeping your SUV. Go you! Drive what you want!


I'm sure you'll get plenty of money out of this.

and SUV's are expensive yes? which would be more annoying than if your rusty old car fell. and OP, if you dont need the SUV YDI, or if you do then just FYL.

i dont know why this made me laugh. but it did. and your life sucks.

CyclonePsycho 1

If OP can pay for the SUV, then she can have an SUV. It's not up to you guys to decide whether or not she deserves it based on her need of an SUV. That's not the point.

kristidgranger 3

did any of u ever think she might have a couple of kids! try to fit everyone in a car and think it's safe?! not! I will have an SUV when I have kids bc I actually care about them and know that cars are not as safe sorry! I Been in two accidents that were not my fault, 1st a car and I was messed up bc so small and fragile, 2nd suv and was fine!!!!

Why is everyone bitching about having a SUV? Let the OP have fun with it. There is no crime in having an SUV. Who cares about MPG if you can afford it. There is no need to hate those that can spend their money.

In the US, provided you don't live in a city, you should have ample oppertunity to have fun in a SUV the way it was meant to be used, what with all the nice outdoor places you could drive it. That, & fuel is so cheap you may as well take it for granted unless you are seriously hard up for money. I figure driving SUVs is like having sex. Occasionally you'll do it for something productive, but mostly you'll be doing it just because it makes you feel good when you do it.

JCrown84 0

This is really not an FML, since you would be compensated fully for your loss by the garage's insurance company. You would probably end up in a better car than you are in now. In all actuality though, this is probably a fake, its almost impossible for a vehicle to fall off of the lift in a garage. Maybe one side would slip and be damaged, but the three other supports would prevent the vehicle from falling. So yeah. I call fake.

ive seen the lift itself break and tip over. if its improperly balanced its actually a serious problem that might occur. if you look at how some of them are constructed you can see that its basically balanced on a pillar. if there is too much weight on one side of the pillar then it will tip and fall. that might have been what happened. as for who pays for it. it would be the shops insurance company. the only problem is that OP now has to put countless hours into dealing with the insurance company, probably drive a tiny little car that doesnt even have power steering, and if the vehicle is fixed then probably have to deal with related problems that dont show up until a while after the incident. But heres the silver lining. you get to drive that rental like you stole it lol

ydi for having a vehicle. just kidding. I've witnessed this before.

If you say "YDI for having an SUV", I hope one smashes through your window and runs your ass over. No way this guy deserved it.