Thanks, I hate it

By effmylife - 23/10/2009 10:09 - United States

Today, I took my SUV in to get the oil changed, and the tires rotated. They allowed me to stay there, because they said it would only take 30 minutes. So I sit there in the waiting room, and I look through the window only to see my SUV falling off the lift, from 6 feet in the air. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 778
You deserved it 3 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I see a lawsuit in their future. Sue them. They should have secured it.

I'm not gonna lie, this would be cool to see if it wasn't mine. On an unrelated note, I admire you for not caving in to pressure from the tree hugging left wing nuts and keeping your SUV. Go you! Drive what you want!


I think this is a sign to buy a prius. See, at my house we have a prius AND an SUV. Anyways, I don't see why she deserves her car to fall from a lift just because said car is an SUV. I bet you guys wouldn't be saying that to your best friends if that happened to their SUVs. And if you would, there you go, friendless loser.

So you never change the oil (or have it changed) in the SUV just because you have a prius?? Sell them both and get a bike, you're to stupid to drive on MY roads!!!!!

I guess another upside to owning a Prius aside from the gas mileage would be the fact that when you want to get the tires rotated, all you need are three girl scouts to lift the car up for you.

ydi for not doing it yourself. i'm a girl and i do maintenance on my car.

I'd like to know how you rotate your own tires without a lift.

three jacks. 2 in the front, 1 in the back. or you can use the spare, but that just requires you to jack the car up more times. come on, is this a serious question? it's women like you that make the rest of us look helpless hahahaha.

well im pretty sure they paid you, alot of money for your car, or at least got you a brand new one! either ways congrats!!

What's wrong with SUV's? Sure, the newer tank-sized ones are a little obnoxious, but my old Pathfinder is a great little SUV. I think you're all assuming that every SUV is gigantic. The older ones were small and meant for off roading, which is exactly what I use mine for. As far as the FML goes, yes that sucks, but their insurance will cover it. No need to sue unless they try to screw you.

ohJeeznotme 7

Although I agree that SUVs are a bad idea...btw blame the potholes on them because they are heavier than what roads are built to handle. Although I am wondering if this happened to be at a Pep Boys? I know someone who got a tire changed and now they are suing the shit out of them because it was never put back on properly and her car was totalled.

Really blame the potholes on SUV's are you retarded. There are much larger vehicles out on the roads than my SUV such as dump trucks that are loaded and tractor trailers. That has to be the most retarded comment on here. Come on now think before you post something like that.

Seriously...are you retarded? SUVs are to blame for potholes because the roads weren't designed for their weight!?!? I'm pretty sure potholes have been a problem on the roads long before the first SUV concept vehicle was even a thought in a designer's head. 1) Shoddy materials, design, or workmanship by the road crews 2) Weather damage 3) MUCH heavier vehicles like delivery/moving vans, dump trucks and semis (even though I'm sure their weight is taken into account when roads are designed) Those are at least 3 things that are a more likely cause of potholes than SUVs.

Polionixon 2

I'd be so pissed if i seen that in action with my car YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW!

hazardharry 0

YDI for having an SUV, but good thing all shops are required to have insurance to cover accidents like that!

Bgreat09 0

Why the hell was your car 6 feet in the air to chenge tires and get an oil change??? thats a FAIL!

magicsparrow 0

Really?? C'mon now, use that brain. To get to the oil filter and let out the old oil, the guys don't want to be squeezing under cars all day. It's EASIER and FASTER. Clearly you've never owned a vehicle.

Not change tires, ROTATE THEM. The front tires move to the back, back tires to the front, and one pair moves to opposite sides of the car (depending on whether you have rear wheel or front wheel drive). The car HAS to be up on a lift to do this. You can't just do it at home with a jack.

you can do it with three jacks... or just jack stands :P

You drive an SUV. Do you have a reason? Here in Utah we refer to large SUVs as "mormon assault vehicles" or MAVs. They need large SUVs in order to haul around 6 or 7 children. Many people here that want an SUV to show off get smaller lux SUVs like Lexus RXs or BMW X5s. Most of the people who drive those SUVs are middle aged women. If I wanted an SUV for the purpose of camping and hauling an tent trailer, I'd get a Forester XT. Plenty of power, all wheel drive, reliable for 10 years, and doesn't suck gas like a french *****.