Thanks, I think?

By Skimilk - 18/02/2010 02:47 - Australia

Today, I went in to my local cafe for my morning coffee. I was chatting to the barista as she was making it, and I mentioned that I was starting a new diet. She goes, "Oh that's great! I've been sneaking skimmed milk in your coffee for years, I didn't want to say anything…" FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 142
You deserved it 5 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ksv101 3

obviously her idea didn't work if you still have to start a diet

wow you need to quit bitching and enjoy your life. who the hell cares.

usnwife 18

after 2 kids, the "pregnant women need decaf" shit pisses me off. in moderation it is perfectly fine. I actually NEED caffeine to prevent migraines especially while pregnant, since caffeine is MUCH safer than meds. so by giving me decaf instead, you would actually be increasing my chance of severe migraines which prevent me from caring for my children and increasing the risk to my unborn child because I then have to take meds to be able to function at all. believe it or not there are pregnant women who actually CARE about their unborn child and do what is best for them. so maybe try having some faith in people for once?

oh I agree so much. I order what I want, I know what I am allowed in my diet. Don't give me skim, don't give me decaf... its not your job to decide what is best for me. And migraines SUUUUUCK

maybe she thinks your cute with out the fat :)

wow.. and you believe everything you see on tv? ******* idiot. do some research and stop bitching. I'm sorry but people altering food and drinks is completely unethical. chances are that changing one thing is not going to make a difference if they eat bad. and how about people ordering something for someone else. stop being fucktards and give people what they order. they're the reason you assholes have a job.

Snickerdoodles you're all over these comments you just sit and watch your computer to see when someone replies to you. Not to mention the fact that 98 % of the book you wrote on here sounds like some hardcore bullshit. Congratulations on on knowing the atomic structure of saturated fats tho

To those of you who think it's okay for a barista to switch out people's drinks: I've never been pregnant and never intend to be, but wow, switching their coffee for decaf is cruel. Imagine being pregnant and sleep deprived because the various aches and pains kept you up most of the night, but you have to get stuff done today, so you go to the coffee shop to get the one dose of caffeine you're allowed, but the asshole barista gives you decaf, so you don't get the alertness you needed but you can't just go get another coffee because you think you've had the one dose you can have without harming the baby. You can't just tamper with people's drinks like that. Also, switching out the fat person's milk is not going to have any real impact on their health or weight, it's just you thinking you're superior and you have the authority to put them on a diet without their consent, in other words, being an asshole. They have to be habitually making lower calorie choices in order for it to have a noticeable impact on their weight (if their weight even needs to change, which it probably doesn't). And you know, maybe they are on a diet but the whole milk coffee is the one treat they allow themself. You don't know! Just give people what they order.

Exactly! I remember at a cafe, my dad ordered some drink and it turned out the barista put something extra in it that gave him an allergic reaction later on. My dad didn't sue, but he has trust issues now with that particular cafe.

legendof90 14

A subway employee gave me light mayo without me asking for it