The eyeball zone

By crazylobster - 14/11/2009 16:52 - Australia

Today, I noticed that in my cover letter I wrote, "I also have an eye.", instead of, "I also have an eye for detail", and I have been sending it out for the past few weeks. No wonder I haven't gotten any replies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 551
You deserved it 31 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

peroxideprincess 0

hmm...meaning you really don't have an eye for detail...but you do have eyes. so, what you sent out is basically correct. :)


don't worry, no company reads cover letters anyway

pmsl! awww. i wrote a cover letter a few weeks ago. i got the name of the shop wrong!

few weeks huh? better open your other eye this one missed that detail!

dudeitsdanny 9

Furthermore, you screwed up the punctuation in this FML. Yes, this is indicative of SOMETHING.

devendra_fml 0

This is one of the funniest FMLs I've read in a long time, weirdly. Something about the way it's phrased-- "In addition to my leadership and teamwork capablities, I also have an eye." Heh.

Let_it_Be1 0