The more things change…

By J.O.S - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, airport security took away my 32$ eyelash curler, because it could be used as a weapon. I miss the '90s. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 131
You deserved it 9 523

Top comments

YDI for trying to bring a wea- wait, what? $32 for something so useless?

I still dont understand how this could be a weapon ... throw it? clamp them?


6 -- How dare TSA not break the rules for you! That extra 1oz of makeup remover was so important. It's not like you could've bought some at your destination huh.

iEmily 0

I had my aeroguard and sunscreen taken off me at airport security in Aus, when I was going to India. Had to buy sunscreen over there that was horrible and since they had no aeroguard I had to go without. Stupid rules! But an eyelash curler is different OP, you don't need one and they hardly do the job... YDI.

unlucky bout the sunscreen :( n true bout tge curlers, they wer kinda expensive for curlers &+ they dnt do tht much tbh ! :)

smileywondur10 0

kay #15 were does it say no eyelash curlers on a plane? why the hell would they put that in the list of no items on a plane!?

If you really HAD to take eyelash curler with you then you should have just waited and brought it from Duty free. That way there is nothing they could have done. But on a separate note I love how yo-yo airport security is as I have by mistake taken a penknife through custom's with me in my bag and they didn't confiscate it. Yet other times they will take away a tube of tooth paste from you. Crazy.

security levels definitely depend on the airport you're at & which airlines you fly with. McCarran intl. is a bitch unless you fly southwest just go direct to the C gates, easy.

icantellu 7

Since when did the dollar sign go after the number?

Why don't they make everyone board the planes naked and handcuffed (after a cavity search, naturally)? That way no one could bring aboard anything what could be used as a weapon. Seriously... not letting guns and knives aboard is OK, but a ******* *eyelash curler*???

making people board a plane naked if ******* retarded. why the **** would they do that??

storytime_fml 0

Most likely, OP, the airport was out to get you. I've seen this a million times. They target random female civilians who buy 32$ eyelash curlers and attempt to strip them of all their belongings. Not for security reasons but for more cruel intentions. They probably hate you. If there is a return trip in your near future, my advice would be to screw it off and permanently settle down where you're going. They might even take your lipstick next time. Stay safe Op. Take the bus.

mayb they thought it was gonna be a ***** u cud use in the plane washrooms! they took it away so then mayb thier won't be long wait lines for the washrooms :( dnt worry it happens sometimes :( nd yah those washrooms r scary :S

Eyelash curlers are useless. Who the **** needs to curl their eyelashes? Nobody's gonna see them.

Kawaiichan42 3

Really? Cuz lots of people see my eyelashes every day, as they're on my eyes. I am by no means saying that a $32 eyelash curler is necessary. I think they're a stupid invention, as is mascara. I'm simply saying that everybody who see's Op's face will see her eyelashes.