The more things change…

By J.O.S - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, airport security took away my 32$ eyelash curler, because it could be used as a weapon. I miss the '90s. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 131
You deserved it 9 523

Top comments

YDI for trying to bring a wea- wait, what? $32 for something so useless?

I still dont understand how this could be a weapon ... throw it? clamp them?


Luunatic 13

Weirdd. They let me bring mine O_o. That's weird.

this is a perfect example of how ****** up airport security is

' i have a weapon... an eyelash curler...'

Security always doesn't let the most random shit pass. When I was coming back from a foreign exchange trip to France, some German girl forgot that she had a pocket knife in her backpack, yet somehow she still got through with no issues. Way to go.

mona_is_here 10

same! I forgot I had some illegal pills in my bag but they let me pass. It's just a matter of fortune, I guess. Too random to predict.

Guillory24 0

you guys passing thru with pills and stuff...their NOT LOOKING FOR PILLS THEIR LOOKING FOR BOMBS!

tsent8 15

200's not looking for pills OR bombs they're looking for grammar mistakes. xD

YDI for spending an unreasonable amount of money on something like that. i bet you could have bought the same product, without the brandname and pretty box, for 1/3 of the price you paid. hipsters...honestly.

Jorgina226 0

YDI for buying a $32 eyelash curler when you can get on at Wal-Mart for a dollar.

one thousand items for $2 or threeeeee...

jorddd 0

YDI for buying a $32 eyelash curler.