The more things change…

By J.O.S - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, airport security took away my 32$ eyelash curler, because it could be used as a weapon. I miss the '90s. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 131
You deserved it 9 523

Top comments

YDI for trying to bring a wea- wait, what? $32 for something so useless?

I still dont understand how this could be a weapon ... throw it? clamp them?


YDI for flying commercially. Starve those ******* airlines! YDI for having a $32 eyelash curler. YDI for having eyelashes.

FREEZE u rock. #8 is hating cuz she sucks to much **** to know the difference between your and you're. #8 you're = you are = you're (you are) a dumb ***** your = possesive = your stupidity amazes me. oh and btw. YOU GOt OWNED NOOB

So you are upset because.... those are the new standards, deal with it and pay for your carry on like everyone else or just send me s check for $32 if you like wasting money.

who the **** cares if she spent $32 on a curler or $3 it's her fkn money get the **** off her nuts.

SDI for spending any money on anything, ever.

Ju99ernaut94 0

California girls were unforgettable daisy dukes and bikinis on top !!!!!!!!! ummmm sorry i had a urge to sing that lol but yea... YDI for wasting 32 dollars and YDI for choosing air travel over a damn car those 32 dollars could have went towards gas money

Sparkiee93 3

$32 bucks for an eyelash curler when you could just make a creative motion with your mascara for free?

Should have just gone to WalMart like the rest of us hard working Americans, but noooo you had to go spent money on an eye lash curler. OP, WalMart next time.

one thousand items for $2 or threeeeee...

why do you need a curler on the plane? pack it in your bag and check it. problem avoided.