The more things change…

By J.O.S - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, airport security took away my 32$ eyelash curler, because it could be used as a weapon. I miss the '90s. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 131
You deserved it 9 523

Top comments

YDI for trying to bring a wea- wait, what? $32 for something so useless?

I still dont understand how this could be a weapon ... throw it? clamp them?


don't you know that the expensive ones are crappy? gowith the cheapest one you can find. they work the best. i currently have a 2 dollar one. but stay away from the plastic ones they don't work.

RedPillSucks 31

I think I'll get a job as a TSA security person so I can get stuff.... I always wanted curlier lashes... *Miss, those can be used as a weapon. I'll have to take those curlers... And that stack of $20 bills, too. You can give someone a paper cut with those... Very dangerous.*

and that necklace you could choke some one with it

Baxton_fml 2

Yeah, choke someone who doesn't know that "someone" is one word.

why would u spend $32 on an eyelash curler!?!?

WTF? buy one at walmart for $3, they do the job.

you're an idiot for buying a $32 eyelash curler

kiakia0131 23

If it was packed away in your suitcase they probably wouldn't have taken it away. I've left razors in my suitcase before and it was searched by the TSA and they didn't confiscate it. However, I left a razor in my carry on once and they took it away. They also confiscated my bottle of water. No big deal, I bought another razor at my destination. I got a drink on the plane. Next time, don't spend so much money on an eyelash curler and pack it away in your suitcase. If it still gets confiscated, oh well don't bring them on your trips anymore.

hcovballer247 0

You know the dollar sign is suppose to go in front of the numbers, not after....

She's from Quebec. In French, you put the dollar sign after the amount of money. So no, she didn't do anything wrong.

what airport were you flying out of because eyelash curlers are allowed to go on planes per TSA rules