The pleasure, the pain

By BadBribe - 24/06/2009 19:15 - United States

Today, my girlfriend decided to bribe me to be good since we were going out to dinner with her parents by giving me a blowjob. The good news: it was one of the best she had ever given. The bad news: I came on her black dress. She responded by hitting in me in the nuts. Hard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 180
You deserved it 30 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She was the one who wanted to bribe you. WTF is her problem?


christopherlove 0

I seriously don't condone violence, but you should have retaliated by hitting her in the face. Ladies, unless you're being attacked, never deliberately strike a man's nuts. Even if this guy deliberately ruined her dress, if you must condescend to swing at him, punch him in the shoulder maybe.

makjon86 0

Yeah i agree. A nice black eye to go with the white spot on the dress.

You should have responded with, "See! This is what happens when you dont swollow!"

She needs to learn to swallow and to stop being such a violent delinquent.

um hello? not **** your life. **** any guy's life who can't get a bj from his girlfriend (or boyfriend, whatevs). sure it sucks to get a slap in the jewels, but it was totally worth it, unless she decides not to put her mouth on u ever again, THAT would fyl. also, not really a ydi either, i mean especially if u were standing up at the time (i'm assuming she did it oldschool, on the knees right before u left the house) its hard enough to concentrate on not falling over let alone worrying about where ur manmilk is going--assuming the girl is good, that is, and since u said it was her best ever--that should be the girl's responsibility if she's willing to take a **** in the mouth and not swallow, or at least spit

only a girl could defend this. the guy got offered head from his GF which 1. doesn't make her a **** and 2. does make her a bitch for punching the poor guy in the nads. Women have no idea how much being even flicked in the balls hurts let alone punched. and pls don't even bring up pregnancy pain cuz i'm not arguing which is worse lol. all i'm saying is the guy did NOTHING wrong here, who wouldn't take head offered with no strings attached but to act decently for a few hours haha. moral of the story = girl needs to learn how to swallow aka seal the deal

"Never waste a hard-on." One of the three golden rules of life, especially when you get to your older years.

The replies to this FML make me laugh. All these people hunched over their internets babbling about how it's a girls duty to swallow, and how a guy can't control himself. Wrong on both counts I swallow because its easiest, I don't taste because its at the back of the mouth etc. But being required to swallow is wrong. There is no comparison between a man and a woman- had both so I can tell. Women are usually fairly tasteless in fact, whilst men do not taste nice. Fact remains- swallowing is a matter of opinion. A lot of women don't like the implications of going down on men and especially not of swallowing, so those of you getting ********- thank God for them, and stop complaining. Secondly the men I've been with generally know when they are about to come. Men can feel it, which is why they usually say so. I think the punching in the balls was over the top. But the OP sounds an arse. You don't bribe someone if you don't think they'll need it, which indicates he is actively rude and uncouth on a regular basis. He didn't care for her or for her dress that she was going to have to meet people in. That doesn't mean she can physically hurt him, but it will probably mean in the future that he actually thinks a sitution through a bit more

Total win. Said everything I was going to say except for the part about having tasted both genders hahaha

Gillypants 3

well, its possible that the bribery was a joke of sorts, just an excuse to have some fun before dinner, ya know? but i agree with you.

thats just like having a nose bleed then putting on a white dress, stuuuuuupid

That sucks, but it's more her fault than yours, and she shouldn't have hit you.

If that happened to me I would call her parents and say this "Sorry, but we can't make it to dinner. Your daughter gave be a ******* and I came on her dress then she hit me in the balls. Bye"