The price of love

By that kind of girl - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Canada - Mississauga

Today, a man asked me on a date. It's been so long, I accepted immediately. He began quoting what seemed like random numbers to me, and it took me a few minutes to work out what he meant. Not only was I mistaken for a prostitute, I'm also worth, at most, $60. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 734
You deserved it 5 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you know your price if you ever get into that business...

I once heard girl/boyfriends cost 3 potato, so $60 is pretty good when you think about it...


Yeah what girl doesn't like being mistaken for a hooker, then being only worth at max $60...

yeah 14# imagine a 13 year old getting hit on by a pedophile and then compliment her saying that "at least, he wanted to have sex with you". Do you really think she or the OP would happy about such a compliment?.. #uSmoothOperator

Just because he said low price doesn't necessarily mean anything(: think of it this way if you go to a store and want to buy a necklace and the man tells you to make an offer. It might look like it's worth $200 but you're not to say $200 you want to get it for the lowest price you can. If you would have said like "that's it?" I'm sure he'd go higher so don't stress it bc he's cheap I'm sure ur perf

Chaith 16

You make it sound totally normal that she would have sex with that guy, that she had just met, for money if he gave her a better price. Haha.

It is normal, happens a lot, on almost every street corner

#18, believe it or not, prostitution is quite a regular part of life, whether society as a whole accepts it or not.

#50 well it's not exactly normal, but just rather common. Thus why it'd be considered normal to some people.

babygurll19 10

We must be in another recession

Don't be so hard on yourself. Just because you met a jerk shouldn't bring you down. Set yourself some goals in life, start maybe at $70!

And that's in Canada. Here in the US it's about $55 give or take.

Well only take what you feel you're worth

He'd have had it for not much more than a cup of tea had he been clever and asked nicely enough ...

I'm just wondering what made him believe you were a prostitute.