The price of love

By that kind of girl - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Canada - Mississauga

Today, a man asked me on a date. It's been so long, I accepted immediately. He began quoting what seemed like random numbers to me, and it took me a few minutes to work out what he meant. Not only was I mistaken for a prostitute, I'm also worth, at most, $60. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 734
You deserved it 5 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you know your price if you ever get into that business...

I once heard girl/boyfriends cost 3 potato, so $60 is pretty good when you think about it...


Should be extra for the 3 potatoes he didn't pay. $120

How did u agree to go on a date with a random stranger? Sorry OP he treated u that way

be optimistic.. atleast u got asked for a rate instead of date...

That date ended before it could begin. Op he only wanted you for sex and not for who you are. I'm sure you will find someone of your integrity.

bluefrootloops 13

Hey you liked the guy enough to accept a date, why go through the fuss of dinner or any other fillers? Not to mention you get $60, that's a lot of money.

...Was it the way you dressed? If so, you might wanna rethink a few things...

dont let him get you down. learn from it in a positive way if you can. that guy was an asshole

8313girl 28

Then after the sex is over, you'll give her $60 and an IOU