The truth

By xXxtwilightLUV95xXx - 08/03/2010 15:14 - United States

Today, I woke up to the most awkward breakfast of my life. Apparently, last night after taking my sleeping pill, I went into my mom's room and started spilling secrets left and right. Secrets about my current crush, the people I've hooked up with, and how when I say I'm going over to my friend Beth's house, I'm really seeing a guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 448
You deserved it 34 798

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wish I had taken a look at the username and learnt that OP is either 12 or at least at the mental level of a 12-year-old, before clicking FYL.


YDI. how old are u to need sleeping pills?

orangesodaftw 0

I don't dislike Twilight because it's cool to dislike it. I hate it because it looks as though it was written by a four year old.

What the frick im a dude i dont hate twilight sure ill admit they culd have found a better bella and edward and first movie sucked balls but second was okay and the books were great! Why the frick does everyone nag on Twilight it was an okay thing ive seen waaaaay worse movies though. Ill say it clearly for you people who failed at reading... I am a GUY and i LIKE Twilight... edward can go die... but keep Cedric :)

Glitter is for first graders. Go read Anne Rice. If you like Twilight, then you obviously don't read enough books.

strength413 8

wow, um you're gay first off, and secondly, pretty sure that they were written at like a fifth grade level. if you thought that the books were great, i suggest reading more books. if you do, you'll quickly realize why they get made fun of so much, well that and the fact that everyone who likes them makes a huge deal out of it cause they think it's so cool that they read a trendy subpar book, i bet you like james patterson too, although i could give you a pass for that, at least his are entertaining.

lenin 0

Twilight? 95!??! You're only like 14 and already whoring yourself out to random kids? good luck with your venereal health...

134, I was just wondering if you expected anyone to actually read a comment that long.

Monikabug 9

@134, I will have you know that I did read your comment. Lol Also, I can certainly understand your point of view now. I did not mean that you should tell your mom everything, I only meant that you should not lie about being at Beth's house, when you are really at your boyfriend's house, or silly things like that, where if your mother would find out it could seriously sever your relationship. Lying about where you go, who you are seeing, what you are doing, things of that nature.

I was going to say how your life is Fckd but then I saw your name (TwilightFail), so just because of that you totally deserve it : )

what kind of 14 yr old takes sleeping pills? you're still in grade school that's terrible. (assuming you are 14)