The truth

By xXxtwilightLUV95xXx - 08/03/2010 15:14 - United States

Today, I woke up to the most awkward breakfast of my life. Apparently, last night after taking my sleeping pill, I went into my mom's room and started spilling secrets left and right. Secrets about my current crush, the people I've hooked up with, and how when I say I'm going over to my friend Beth's house, I'm really seeing a guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 448
You deserved it 34 798

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wish I had taken a look at the username and learnt that OP is either 12 or at least at the mental level of a 12-year-old, before clicking FYL.


YDI for even liking Twilight. I hate fanpires! Anne Rice will always own Stefani Meyer and her little fagish sparkling teen drama failures!

A) You deserve it for not being honest. B) You like twilight, so it's no surprise you're a *****.

Saboyaa 0

Alright, well just because there is a 95 in her username DOESNT mean she is young, at all. And the whole "twilightLUV" thing is taking it to far. But OP, that sucks, but YDI for being such a dumbass to not go in your room after you take your pill.

Didn't know sleeping pills did that. Oh well, it's none of her business, so hopefully she'll realise that.

op is 14-15. it is her mother's business.

Sounds like someone switched your sleeping pills with truth serum pills. Oh, and YDI for feeling guilt over being a slore at such a young age.

XD LMAO!!!!! yes FML. but who is to say you were sayin the truth?

YDI for liking Twilight enough to put it in your nick, which has to be one of the least original I've ever seen. HOR HOR HOR!

damnrosi 0

keeping a secret isn't lying. its just not telling everything to someone. your life doesn't always have to be on display for the whole world (or just some people in the world) to analyze. And not everyone needs tight relationships with thier moms. many of us are happy the way we are. we get along well, we tell somethings that are relavent to the lives we live together, but we do have personal lives that do not involve her and there is no reason to drag her into it (many people have to, they need the advice and support, but there are quite a few of us and do not require it. we take care of ourselves, we always have, we always will. Some of us are just very independent like that, but it doesn't put a strain on our relationships because it is not something that just developed years ago out of teenage angst, we always were like this, as kids, teens, and adults. So our relationships (though different), are just as strong and healthy as most peoples) And while I agree it is unhealthy to lie about important things, and to lie often, there is nothing wrong with an occasional fib if it will not hurt anyone.

Katy_loves_you 0

Do you have any of those pills left ? I would like to use them on some people I know >:]