The truth

By xXxtwilightLUV95xXx - 08/03/2010 15:14 - United States

Today, I woke up to the most awkward breakfast of my life. Apparently, last night after taking my sleeping pill, I went into my mom's room and started spilling secrets left and right. Secrets about my current crush, the people I've hooked up with, and how when I say I'm going over to my friend Beth's house, I'm really seeing a guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 448
You deserved it 34 798

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wish I had taken a look at the username and learnt that OP is either 12 or at least at the mental level of a 12-year-old, before clicking FYL.


stinkytruck 0

All bullshit. Quit faking FML's.

jackhammer786 0

FYL. No, you shouldn't be lying about what you're doing, but nobody deserves to subconsciously tell their secrets to someone. Everyone has some type of secret, and it would suck if you got up in the middle of the night and blurted them to someone.

roachan 4
orangesodaftw 0

First of all, the only good thing about Twilight is that Muse's Supermassive Black Hole is in the movie. Secondly, OP, YDI for being a 14 year old *****.

gigi_bella 0

So when you say "hooked up", what you really mean is getting it on with the talking Edward Cullen plush toy in your room, correct?

unknown_female 0

wow how entertained your mother must have been...O_O

FYLDeep 25

Apparently you couldn't sleep because you had a guilty conscience.

reichst 0

hmmm was it ambien? crazy stuff happens all the time with those things, i cant sleep at night without them. as for the spilling of the secrets, everyone has secrets, and not every parent connects with their kids.

Everyone's hating on the Twilight username; I'm 24 and liked Twilight. I say good for you OP for sticking with what you like even if everyone thinks it's "uncool".

It's not "uncool." Every other 14 year old girl likes the same crappy "novel."