This is shit

By Anonymous - 03/01/2011 01:22 - United Kingdom

Today, I realised it takes me longer to take a dump than it does to have sex with my boyfriend. I also realised taking a dump is more satisfying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 809
You deserved it 6 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

suckmyassitsmell 0
suckmyassitsmell 0

Too bad this is fake. Girls don't shit. The poop fairy comes and takes it directly from their lower digestive tracts with her magic wand.


kaylareed 0

exactly what I was thinking #10 :) someone gets it!

emodude44 0

Time for something to go IN your ass since you like it when things come out of it.

lonelyboy412 0

At least you get satisfied with something. It could be worse.

How can taking a shit be satisfying? To me it hurts because I have to squeeze the shit right outta my ass? Also I suggest having a secret ***** sex life.

It hurts? You may want to get that checked out.

Nooo. Not like that. you know that feeling of squeezing a massive amount of pooh from your butt? That's what I mean.

Oh, gotcha. Just thinking about that makes my butt hurt.

uh... dood? the "massive amount of pooh" youre spewing right now is NOT coming from your ass.

lameeeee, where did you take the dump to? :P