This is shit

By Anonymous - 03/01/2011 01:22 - United Kingdom

Today, I realised it takes me longer to take a dump than it does to have sex with my boyfriend. I also realised taking a dump is more satisfying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 809
You deserved it 6 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

suckmyassitsmell 0
suckmyassitsmell 0

Too bad this is fake. Girls don't shit. The poop fairy comes and takes it directly from their lower digestive tracts with her magic wand.


It sounds like you need more lube. In both cases.

If your boyfriend isn't satisfying you, then TALK to him about it Good communication is the key to any relationship. Sex isn't a one way street, it should be mutually pleasurable, and you should help him out if he's not doing anything that pleases you. People can't read minds, so you keeping quiet about it is your own fault. Only YOU can change it. If it still doesn't work after you talk to him, then break it off and you guys can both find people who meet your sexual needs.

can't hear you!! blablabla!! girls don't poop!

Dude a girl talking about taking a dump and that it's satisfying is ******* gross. Wonder how you smell when you do it doggie style.

Sounds like you should start having anal-sex instead.

thats how was my ex was :/ I broke up with him 3 minutes wasn't enough