This is shit

By Anonymous - 03/01/2011 01:22 - United Kingdom

Today, I realised it takes me longer to take a dump than it does to have sex with my boyfriend. I also realised taking a dump is more satisfying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 809
You deserved it 6 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

suckmyassitsmell 0
suckmyassitsmell 0

Too bad this is fake. Girls don't shit. The poop fairy comes and takes it directly from their lower digestive tracts with her magic wand.


crimson_alize 2

wow. A girl saying how perfectly more satisfying it is than sex must be super lesbian. Hav fun with justin bieber, lezbatron.

filthyfrith 0

great comment couldn't agree more :) cute photo too :)

sounds like you need a little anal action then. if it feels good taking a dump

foolishgirl 0
johnnie254 7

have anal sex since you like ******** so much!

uhm? what girl says that they took a dump? thats discusting!