By Anonymous - 08/02/2015 16:05 - United States

Today, a creepy old guy kept hitting on me in line at Subway. I got scared and told him to back off because my dad was waiting for me outside. He replied that he wouldn't object to a three-way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 995
You deserved it 2 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, he thought you were there for a 6 inch!


heartemopants 18

Was you dad down? Creepy/Freaky, it's all relative. . Man that's gross

Did he use the correct pickup line atleast? "are you from subway cuz you just gave me a foot long "

That is why you memorize an address of someone with a violent temper in a bad neighborhood and give him that as your address. He will trouble no one any further.

Kind of pathetic you got scared in a subway by an old guy. What did you think he was gonna do? Hobble after you with his cane demanding you to strip?