By Anonymous - 11/02/2013 15:26 - United States - Mansfield

Today, a girl came up to me on the street and said, "You have like no swag, bro." Feeling clever, I said, "At least I have a high school education." She then took out her work ID, showing me that she was a surgeon, flipped me off, then walked away saying, "This is totally going on Facebook." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 939
You deserved it 30 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Apparently 'swag' gets you through medical school..

Jacksparrow72 21

Wow, would you like ice for that burn?


That_Korean_Kid 4

I don't want to live on a planet where surgeons use the word "swag".

rockbandaddict85 22

and I bet you are the exception huh! :) captain obvious to the rescue.

OP describes her as "a girl", but she must be 25-30 if she's already a surgeon.

Just because you use the word girl doesn't mean you're referring to a child...

SeedlessMe 13

238; I know this is silly, but just wanted to say I accidentally thumbed you down instead of up. Lol sorry!

Damn even educated people are saying they have swag. The human race is ******. If there is inelegance life form out there were screwed.

Well I guess I'm not intelligent.. Ill just stop talking.

'Intelligent' people. You don't need to be that intelligent for med school. Just an excellent memory and a decent working memory.

Because I most certainly would like to make myself susceptible to a surgeon who solely functions on memory...

I work in a medical office that has 22 doctors. I have seen them do some of the stupidest things that make me wonder how can someone so educated, be so stupid! There is definitely a difference between book smarts and street smarts, and I pray that surgeon has book smarts!

Guess I cant be glib as people don't fill in the blanks... There are obviously brilliant people who are surgeons as well as less than brilliant people who are surgeons. But it requires a deep pool of knowledge.

I work in a hospital and some of the docs I've seen have yet to master the flush toilet. I don't know how they ever made it through med school.

I would venture to suggest that you may have done better asking her if she was able speak English.

Is a High School education something to brag about now?

10showgirl 16

I don't think he was actually bragging that he had a high school education... I think he was just implying that she was a high school drop-out....

Well regardless, I wouldn't want her operating on me with that attitude. Swag has got to be in the top 5 worst words! Along with YOLO of course.

To act cool because they really aren't.

bredahl 26

Whoever has a High School Diploma should NOT use the word "Swag". Ever. FYL.

LegendofZelda88 8

people who say swag- it was a term in the early 60's that meant secretly we are gay. so big high five to all u genius people that say u got swag, lol

False, Swag has not been proven to ever been used as secretly we are gay. It even sounds like someone tried to think of an acronym. I mean really, why would someone who is gay say "I've got secretly we are gay"? Swag is a shortened form of swagger, a word coined by Shakespeare, believe it or not.

Steve95401 49

This surgeon reminds me of an old joke- What do you call someone who graduates last in their medical school class? Doctor.