By a manly woman? - 09/02/2009 23:57 - United States

Today, a girl entered the public washroom I was washing my hands in. When she saw me, she stopped dead in her tracks. I then saw her go to the door to make sure she was actually in the girl's washroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 131
You deserved it 4 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

christopherlove 0

I'm a guy, and I've gone into a public restroom, walked past people to whom I paid no attention, thought nothing odd about the lack of urinals, used a stall, came out, and only THEN noticed the women washing their hands. Damn, I should post this story here.


fmlsrfunny77 0

I woulda slapped that bitch and laid the beating

she's female. she just figured out she looks like man

mvs198 0

dont be sad cuz she is probably a really stupid perdon and you are a beautiful girl and im sorry but that girl is a freaking retard!!!!

sublime420 11

She's retarded because she thought she was in the Mens room after seeing what she thouht was a man, and double checked her mistake?

Illyssa_fml 4

you should've flashed your vag at her

atomicbaboon 0
EmilyFelton98 0

Man It's Fourth Of July Tomorrow And You Just Got An Early Case Of "BURN"

Start being more girly. You have a ****** for a reason. Either that, or to cause less confusion use use the men's bathroom.

Uhhh while I agree if she is concerned about looking like a girl, she should work on her appearance, it's not appropriate to say "you have a ****** for a reason." Yeah, and that reason is biological. It's not so she has to look girly for you.